Parent Review
Comments made by parents in our annual school survey - Goodrich Primary School Survey of Pupils, Parents & Carers 2018:
What is the thing you like most about this school?
The two most common themes for comments, for what Goodrich parents/carers like about the school, was about the Community feel of the school and the Teachers and staff and the Community feel of the school. These have remained the most popular theme over the last 5 years.
Commitment, friendliness and quality of teaching skills:
“Dedication of staff”, “Teachers approach to pupils”, “Friendly and supportive atmosphere created by staff”, “Excellent caring teachers” “Kindness of staff transcends through children” and “Teachers know my child well and work to encourage them”.
Community feel:
“Great sense of pride for children for their school and community”, “Sense of community”, “It’s a school community which we will miss very much”, “Very much a community” and “Good ethos”.
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